Trying to Keep my Eye on the Ball.

I never intended for this space to be political. I was thinking photos and creative thinking.

It’s been a challenge this year in that regard. I didn’t watch the “debate” last night, but I did catch a lot of chaff this morning in various papers online. I do not know why I even opened them up. I should have just stuck with playing Scrabble online with my like-minded opponents after I finished the crossword.

I did get a good laugh out of, “I brought football back.” You must be very proud.

Of course he won’t condemn white supremacists. That’s his base.

He even gave the Proud Boys a motto: “Stand by.” Does that mean with long guns at the ready? I still don’t understand why grown men would call themselves “boys.” Or “proud.” I’m pretty sure pride is one of the deadly sins. Those folks and their president apparently skipped a lot of Sunday school.

And I bet Chris Wallace is tendering his resignation this morning or is on suicide watch. I sure hope the moderators who are scheduled for the two remaining events opt out. I do not like the USA’s being made a laughing stock on the world stage by the president of the United States. Yet again.

Back to the ball. I believe the good news of the day is that the NBA finals start tonight. If you can find anything uplifting to keep your eye on, do it!

2 thoughts on “Trying to Keep my Eye on the Ball.

  1. I know! I contend that no one will vote FOR either one of these candidates. They’ll just be voting against the other one. And nothing will change. People will continue to die of Covid. The very wealthy will have the most tax loopholes and deductions. The environment will continue to be polluted. Glaciers will continue to melt. Corpus Christi will continue to be hit by hurricanes. Fires will burn in Oregon. I wish I could think of something encouraging to say.

    Well, time for the b-ball game.

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