Today is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi.
I really love this modern depiction of his whistling with a bird.

I was blessed to spend time in Assisi on two different trips. Once for several days during Holy Week. Joined a bunch of nuns on a procession one day.
Of course, the most memorable thing is touring the three different levels of the basilica, the Giotto murals in particular.
On that trip, the Church of St. Chiara (Claire) was closed for earthquake renovations. On my second trip, I made a point to go there. Sort of a disappointment. I was actually monumentally shocked by the picture of St. Francis cutting off Claire’s hair. What a metaphor! It was like the rape of the lock. Oh well.
Here is Francis’ motto. This tile hangs on my porch. Peace and Goodness.

Typically, the blessing of the animals at my church is such a joyful day. Lots of barking and meowing. One family from my neighborhood always brings their pet pig in a cute outfit. He is hypo-allergenic, so a good choice for their household.
I’ve taken a number of pets from 1880. Fun memories. Dolly has not been yet. Someone mentioned that when she is around lots of people and dogs what she really needs in an exorcism.
Today, there will be a pictorial blessing of the animals during the online service. We all sent in pictures. If Roxie and Dolly make a cameo appearance I’ll post a link.