The Cast Iron Skillet

It is amazing what I am focusing on these days to hold boredom at bay.

On Sunday, I suddenly had an appetite for peach cobbler. I’m not sure why.

I remembered the big offerings my great-grandmother Susan Louise Miller made in her kitchen with no hot running water and an oven that she stuck her hand in to check the temp. I can never duplicate it. The peaches were picked from a scrubby tree in her scrubby back yard. For some reason, they were not orange but a very pale white. Delicious.

So, anyway, on Sunday, I masked up and actually went into Fred Meyers to buy the ingredients to make a quick and easy peach cobbler. I walked straight in and straight out, but I happened to pass by the special display of Lodge cast iron pans, 50% off. I also had a coupon. Oh “they” do know how to get you!

This very heavy skillet came “pre-seasoned” so I made the cobbler in it.

I had a cast iron skillet for years. I stopped using it because it was so heavy and passed it on to Elizabeth. I have enjoyed so many delicious dishes she prepares using it.

This random purchase brought back so many memories.

I think it was the only pan Mother had when I was growing up. It always sat on the top of the stove, usually with a remnant of grease left in it from breakfast where she fried up bacon and eggs most mornings and meat most evenings. Lots of fried potatoes, never referred to as French fries.

This new pan is very heavy, so I’ll probably just leave it on the stove top.

Yesterday, I made cornbread in it. Reminded me of my Mama Harrison who made the best stove-top cornbread.

If there is a lesson in this post, I guess it is to avoid random purchases, do whatever you can to avoid loneliness and boredom, cook and eat good stuff, and try not to get too fat in the process. And maybe don’t forget to take your statins.

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