So many new thoughts this bright, sunny Sunday morning. New week. New hopes. New era?
One huge mountain summited. Now, the virus. Then the climate.
Some things don’t change. I switched to Fox to get another viewpoint. Some man I recognized but whose name alludes me was being interviewed. He pronounced the vice-president-elect’s first name Ku-Máh-la. When in doubt, Senator Harris would suffice I think.
Biden said that on Monday he will appoint a new Covid task force. I hope he asks Fauci to chair it.
I feel sure Biden will surround himself with true experts in their fields. I would love to see this educator to be the one to kick Betsy DeVos to the curb:

That won’t be her job. She will join the legacies of Eleanor Roosevelt and Michelle Obama.
And I know from personal experience that the best place for old, retired golfers is on the golf course.
Go there. Do that. Please.

Na na na na. Na na na na. Hey Hey . . .