Boo at 1880, 2020

Everything is indeed different this year. No one had been in the house for many, many months when Elizabeth arrived with Gypsy and Pye. They slept in the Tahoe on the way here to arrive Covid free. It was so worth it. To me at least.

In recent years, we’ve celebrated a conflated Holiday Season, moving the dates cavalierly to fit with the travel dates. It was different but we still had so much fun. We couldn’t do some of the things we usually do, but we could do the important things. We spent time with our furries. We binge-watched a couple of series. We played games. We cooked. We ate. We relaxed.

The visiting furries settled right in.

Pye doesn’t have any trees to climb in his own yard but he had no trouble figuring out what to do with my magnolia.

And he did enjoy birdwatching from the snug window.

Gypsy is a Maui native and likes to snuggles under the covers in the Pacific Northwest.

Family shot of the visitors:

And Gypsy likes her Mama Jean’s lap.

One day a young neighbor came over to help with the leaf raking.

We drove over to Burgerville for lunch one day, but this time we used the mobile app and had a car hop do a window delivery. Very complicated for someone in my age group. The specials for November are rosemary shoestrings and chai milkshakes.

We played Monopoly on National Monopoly Day.

And had a new game delivered from Amazon. Sagrada.

Then came the day we had our faux Thanksgiving dinner.

Elizabeth made pumpkin pies from the pumpkins from the garden.

Pretty good, as was the rest of our traditional menu. Including mashed potatoes, also from the garden. We decided to eat in the living room in front of the fire.

Every day we took long walks with the dogs, in various combinations, since three turned out not to be a workable number.

Then, before we knew it, it was time to load up that faithful Tahoe once again. Amazing how much can be fit into it. This time a couple of tables from 1880 for Boo’s new place in Montana.

This one looks fine in her kitchen:

It originally came from Caesar’s Unfinished Furniture Store in San Mateo in 1967. The blue nesting bowls from the 40’s used to live here too.

And this gate leg table came from an antique store in Half Moon Bay. The potted redw0od tree came from here too. I don’t think it’s going to survive there. Same latitude though.

I love seeing things from here being put to good use there. Couldn’t get Elizabeth to take the “wedding” china, though. Or the sterling flatware. No one lives like that any more. Not even me.

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