I remember lots of Sunday afternoon drives with my parents. Only cost a little bit for gasoline which was cheap then.
Sometimes it was just to “look around.” Other times it was to gather fallen pecans along the roadside. Or to look at something Daddy had seen at work in the oil fields that week.
I often go for a Sunday drive by myself during this time of solitude.
On today’s, I had a soft goal in mind as well as a firmer one. I wanted to look along the Willamette and the Santiam for river rocks for my cairn. Nothing on the Willamette in Polk County. I’ll look further another time. I’m thinking the confluence with the Columbia might be a good spot. I remember paddling there with Dave. The end of our long multiple trips doing the entire Willamette.
That was my soft goal anyway.
The firmer one was to get the November special, rosemary shoestrings, from the Burgerville in Monmouth. Getting their app to work there took the help of a lot of people standing around the parking lot in face masks. It had worked in Albany but it couldn’t seem to forget that and travel to Monmouth. Patience prevailed with cheering and a big tip for the delivery woman.
From there, down to Buena Vista. No rocks bigger than pebbles there. So across the ferry and a little drive to where the Santiam passes under the I-5 bridge. Found this perfect one there.

Others will come over time from rivers near family members. This will be a multi-year project. No hurry. Perhaps it will encourage others to practice the Sunday-afternoon-drive tradition. I highly recommend it.