I first got an Oregon driver’s license in 2005 after having lived her for almost ten years. First, I has a California license and turned that one in for a Hawaii license. I was told that I would need that one for “kamaiana” discounts when on Maui. Not so much.
Amazing the things Covid messes with. Couldn’t get an appointment in Salem for a renewal before my old license expired. I was able to get one in Stayton. I am a small-town girl and always try to do business whenever I am in one.
Had a good laugh. The agent asked me whether We wanted to stick with the weight on my old license. Understanding laughter all around. The woman socially-distanced nest to me said she hadn’t weighted 135 pounds since fifth grade. Actually, I doubt that I am still 5’3″.
New licenses are pretty fancy. Holographic and stuff. For security. My diligent Mac Guy (edit by said MacGuy: I have edited the image 🙂 will probably advise me to take this shot down saying that it can be copied by any unscrupulous person. Who, I ask you, would want to impersonate me? Actually, I know the answer to that: anyone who wasn’t lucky enough to have been born here.