I really will post pictures of my recent road trip. But life keeps happening.
Pretty much every sentient being has obscene thoughts about what she would like to do to the governor of Texas.
Today he actually outlawed the wearing of masks in public schools. People who require them can be fined $1000. Poor classroom teachers whose students are too young to be vaccinated! How could things get worse?
Then there was this:
“Gov. Greg Abbott signed into a law Wednesday a measure that would prohibit in Texas abortions as early as six weeks — before some women know they are pregnant — and open the door for almost any private citizen to sue abortion providers and others.”
Geeze! I predict that this will greatly increase the stock value of early pregnancy test companies.
No one thinks abortions are a really fun, jolly thing to do! Seeking one means that something went terribly wrong. The terribly wrong thing might be that a young girl has a terrible homelife and sought affection from a boyfriend. Or birth control failed. Or health is at risk. It’s not for me to judge. ( I have an old Bible where that is printed in red. You know what that means.) And it’s certainly not for a closed-minded male politician to judge.
I’m glad I’m not charged with judging. I remember at the Indian school, girls often got pregnant while there were boxes of condoms sitting out on the counter in the Indian Health Clinic on campus. I wanted to give those kids a good talking to, but what do you say to homesick boys with raging hormones and homesick girls who think maybe if they get pregnant they can go home?
There are so many possibilities that Gov. Abbott has not considered. He has not had to worry about being impregnated or about having to teach in front of a class of unmasked children.
Perhaps the word “sentient” does not apply.