Sunrise on the autumnal equinox at the 45th parallel north. When everything hangs in perfect balance for one brief shining moment and then moves on. Does anyone have a thought about the UFO there next to the bench?

Truly. At once. All of a Sudden. After the hottest, driest summer in recent memory around here, rain began to fall late last night. An inch and a half by morning, according to Daddy’s rain gauge, stuck in the head of the Handsome Man.
I enjoyed the sweetest, loveliest paddle yesterday to close out the season. We had the South Santiam above where it flows into Foster Reservoir all to ourselves. You can paddle upstream with no current until it becomes too shallow to go on. A couple of hours. Then, you just turn around and paddle back. Going the other direction it seems like a new adventure. There were lots of opportunities when I might have taken pictures, but the conversation was just too good to pause and pull out my phone. Except here. We stopped to have lunch right next to this huge yellow jacket hive. We didn’t bother them so they didn’t bother us. I’m still recovering from a sting from on my hand from last weekend. I hope the US Military is harvesting that venom toh protect us from whatever evil Putin is thinking up. It is fast acting and long lasting.
This morning, I was able to take Dolly out for a long walk in the rain early on. Walking Dolly is always risky for me and anyone else, man or beast, who happens to be out and about in her sight. We pretty much had River Front Park all to ourselves.
Came back home and hung out the TT banner. We play FIS. Who the heck is that? Naturally, it won’t be on any channel we get here. But I hung the sock out anyway. Tomorrow, I’ll change it for my little KC flag. I feel sure I’ll be able to watch that one.
Brought in the last bunch of roses before the rain drenched them.
Next, I made my Purloined Plum Preserves. I consider any fruit from my neighbor’s Italian plum tree that falls on my side of the fence to be mine for the taking. I usually eat them right off the ground unwashed before I get them to the house.
Now, time to try some on buttered toast. The only decision to be made is tea or coffee.