Turned a news channel on this morning after not having it on for over a week. It was a good respite and I highly recommend it.
What I saw today were media folks trying to fill the air waves with clips of crowded highways and airports and all kinds of advice for shopping and cooking turkeys.
I highly recommend faux. Get together when you can. Celebrate when you can. Cook and eat when you can.
We had such a good time that only today when I tried to sort through the pictures did I notice that they are all about food and furries and cannot possibly be sorted into any coherent order. So just deal with it.

Finding comfortable spots at 1880.

Katherine sent a puzzle for us to work on, which we did while binge-watching the GBBS.

A walk in the woods

On to Burgerville. The November specials were waffle fries, spicy milkshake, and a blue cheese bacon burger.

And somewhere in there, we made it to Trader Joe’s for Elizabeth to stock up. No TJ’s in Montana. And to La Margarita for lunch.
Several desserts were made from home grown pumpkins from Montana.

Pye was happy to lick the whipped cream bowl.

Dinner by the fire:

“Christmas” breakfast was a Dutch Baby after exchanging lots of presents. And, of course, following a long-standing tradition, listening to Johnny Mathes’ Christmas album.

All back to normal here at 1880 today. Just got a text that the Montana crew is safely back home now.
Where, you may ask, was Dolly in all of this? She came downstairs from time to time; evaluated the situation; and went right back up to our bed. She may look like a dumb labradoodle, but discretion is the greater part of valor when there’s so much company downstairs.
I saved a piece of pie, a piece of cake, plenty of cream to whip, and a chocolate turkey to eat tomorrow on actual Thanksgiving. And there’s a KC game for Joannie and me to watch simultaneously though not together.
This may not be the way most people celebrate. Frankly, I think they probably should.
The pie looked awfully good.