
I like to acknowledge all major and minor occasions in big and small ways.

 So this is the day to eat pancakes, but tomorrow would work as well.  Or the day after that.

Then begins that weird season of Lent.  As a modern Episcopalian, I was encouraged to “take on” something rather than to give up something.  

Here’s my thing this year:  I am going to think of one thing every morning first thing to appreciate or be grateful for.  I like the idea of having “a heart filled with gratitude” rather than being thankful.  Thankfulness sort of connotes giving credit to someone.

 It can be anything.  Monday I was grateful that Boo has a new fridge and that Ari took Meg kayaking.  

I’m sure later this month I will be grateful for Boo’s being here.  For my surgeon.  For narcotics and ice.