But I actually have a certain pride in not knowing some things.
I have no idea what a kardashian is. Or who Taylor — or is it Tyler? — Swift is.
I do follow the NFL, but I have no interest in the players’ private lives. I know who Tom Brady is because he grew up in my neighborhood. I love Patrick Mahomes because he is my homie.

I don’t really remember what a cocktail is. I have some memory of frozen daiquiris and margaritas. I’m pretty sure it is a mixed alcoholic drink and that being able to offer them to visitors requires keeping an assortment of hard liquor in your pantry.

With that, of course, one must offer charcuterie.

I do enjoy soccer and beer, but I am sorry I couldn’t avoid learning this week the there is a strong connection between the two.
As for Qater? Why? On so many levels.