Is this a great country or what?

HLN is running a “West Wing” marathon this week. I don’t remember being reduced to tears so often when I watched it the first time. I’m older now and more sentimental. I now cry every time I hear Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” I believe everyone should watch it once a year. And I think Donald Trump should be locked in a cell with it running 24/7 as a life sentence.

Remembering Christmases Past


When I was a little girl, all we had was a Christmas tree. Nothing else. Not even a wreath on the door. Later on, I wanted more. You know me. And Mother encouraged me.One year, blue and silver must have been in style because I remember that she and I changed out our multicolored lights and baubles to all blue and silver. I’m pretty sure Daddy just didn’t get it. His participation in Christmas decorating consisted of bringing home a tree and nailing a little cross of one-by-fours to the bottom to make it stand up.

We always had lots of magazines in the house. One year, “Better Homes and Gardens” started publishing a special holiday edition called “Christmas Ideas.” It cost a lot. $1.00 the first year and soon it went up to $1.25. This was very extravagant, but Mother indulged me. />/Users/jeanurbanski/Desktop/il_794xN.4313659802_qpz3.jpg


After that, the house was pretty much a mess with candle wax melting in a coffee can on the stove and flour paste sticking paper cutouts together.

I particularly remember making a big candle and when whipping up wax in the mixer until it was fluffy and covering the candle with it. It was supposed to look like snow.

Saw this year’s issue in Freddy’s the other day. I didn’t buy it. It is $12.00. I am not that extravagant.


What a Guy!


You have to admit that Stewart Rhodes is a cool name. And that he looks like an action-movie/hero/thug. And then you find out, that besides being a seditious conspiracy felon, the reason he wears an eyepatch is because he shot himself in the face with his own gun. All righty then.

Stewart Rhodes in Atlanta, Ga., on Nov. 21 2020.