
The 4th of July is not what most people think it is.  Nevermind.  Just wear red, white, and blue and celebrate.  I think a couple of you paddled with me one 4th of July many years ago, taking out at Independence, Oregon, where they celebrate everything “Independence.”  

I intend to celebrate with these one day very soon.  Love those Walla Wallas!

Not today,  however. It’s going to be too crowded at Burgerville with a parade through Monmouth.  

Speaking of Walla Wallas, here is my garden buddy’s crop.  I’m sure to receive one or two pretty soon:

Today I will have “Southern Seafood Boil,” whatever that is, down in the dining room with Barb.  Billed as a “celebratory meal.  Then later, the ice cream truck is driving through.
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Do all ice cream trucks play “Turkey in the Straw”? Asking for a friend.

Here is Barb’s new device, a 90th birthday gift from her kids who are taking her up near Mt. Hood to celebrate this week. This is supposed to be just the thing for trail walking.

Looks like it’s pretty handy for walking from Barb’s place to the community garden too.  It gives new meaning to the word “independence.”

In closing, let me add my all-time favorite patriotic picture.  “This land was made for you and me!”

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