
Fall starts today at 11:49 PM tonight.  I have no idea how that figure that out.  But here, the sun is rising on a perfect end-of-summer day.  

This equinox picture from 1880 popped up on my Facebook memories:

Here in my new digs, I could have walked across campus and taken the elevator to the top to “The Tower,” to watch the sunrise this morning, but I stayed in my cozy place, drank my coffee, and thought about it just very briefly.  Maybe tomorrow, since fall doesn’t actually land here until nearly midnight.  And today is really the last summery day before the rainy season starts tomorrow, according to the TV weather girl. I know it’s demeaning to call a grown woman a girl, but who ever heard of a Weather Woman?

Regarding the rainy season, for many years, the Handsome Man was my weather man, holding Daddy’s rain gauge all fall and winter.

 Tragically, while doing double-duty as a flower pot last summer, he bit the dust.

I need to glue him into an art object   Maybe on a dark, wintry day.

In the meantime, we have a beautiful new weather girl,  Our Lady of the Rain, standing at the ready.  Meg sent her to me for Mother’s Day.