So — the “ inclement weather plan”is in place here at the old folks’ home this morning. It’s a bit white out there, about 20º. What’s happening all day is what’s called freezing rain. I was unclear how that is different from the ice storms I remember in Oklahoma where we called it sleet and it built up on wires bringing them down. But information these days is right at out fingertips:
“Freezing rain develops when the raindrops do not have time to freeze before hitting the ground. The water then freezes once it hits the ground, making a layer of ice. Sleet is when frozen precipitation melts as it falls through warm air and then refreezes before it hits the ground.” Who knew?
I remember one winter when Mother and I were visiting Mama and Papa in the red-brick duplex on Evergreen Street in Durant. She and I shared a twin bed in what was intended as to be a dining room. At night when we went to bed by candle light, she made all kinds of shadows on the wall with her hands and told stories about them.
But I digress.
They’re” out there in that red vehicle spreading something around on pathways that’s supposed to melt ice, although we’ve been admonished online and by phone not to step outside our doors
Our inclement meal was delivered at our doors last night.
I don’t like tomato soup or Cheerios, but maybe I can trade them with my neighbors school-cafeteria style. Hunger will not play a part.
Actually, I have on hand the ingredients to make chili pie to eat during the game this evening.
How irate will I be if the power goes off!? All the lines here are underground, but the one huge powerline that comes down along the highway to us is on poles. I have visions of ice building up on that line and on the big tree branches that overhang it. I paid $5.95 to sign up for Peacock so I can watch the game. Peacock paid the NFL $110 million for this exclusive right. Peacock got $5.95 from me.