Back in the 90’s, I liked to watch ER. I mean, what’s not to like about George Clooney and Juliana Margulies? Re-runs popped up recently on some obscure channel during my traditional awake time around 3 a.m. “Good,” I thought. “That should lull me right back to sleep.” But no! I don’t remember all that yelling and screaming and sobbing.

I have been in my local hospital ER a few times. It is perfectly quiet and orderly. I have received excellent and timely care there. One of the hospitalists did look a bit like Anthony Edwards. My advice in that regard is, if at all possible, dial 911 and go in an ambulance. The EMT’s will administer first aid and be in contact immediately with the ER reporting your vitals and condition. It’s almost like a concierge service to get you admitted.

And maybe don’t go scrolling on your remote in the middle of the night. Just go straight to Midsomer Murders re-runs.