Wisdom and Hope

Wisdom is the gift I trust and admire the most:  Wisdom. I live in a retirement community so I get to see a lot of that. In some world leaders, not so much. What comes to mind is despotism, egotism, craziness.

I follow this man on Facebook:

Steven Charleston is an Oklahoma Choctaw.  Like me.  He is an Episcopalian.  Like me.  Unlike me he is a tribal elder and a bishop in the church.  He posts words of wisdom most days and they serve me well.  A recent post:

“Right now I am taking some time for deep reflection. I am sure many of you are doing the same. The loss of an election is not the end of the world, but it is a good time to stop and consider what it means. We will need to make some changes. We will need to realign our efforts. There is a lot to consider. I pray the Spirit will help us right now with wisdom and insight.”

And hope.  I could use some hope.

If  “Day One Big Promises” are kept, people will lose their health care. A miscarrying mother will exsanguinate. Pollution and global warming will be relegated to a back burner. Terrifying dictators will be presidential buddies.  Cronies rather than experts will become advisors. Elon Musk?  RFK Junior? Ukraine will become a Soviet colony. Palestine will cease to exist.  

Remember Palestine? Remember the map of Palestine on the wall in your Sunday School classroom?  Palestine. Not Israel.  Jesus lived and taught in Palestine.  He was a Palestinian.  

Netanyahu terrifies me. Putin terrifies me. Xi Jinping terrifies me.  Kim Jong Un terrifies me. Even now North Korean troops are fighting with the Russians on the Ukrainian border.  

An American president who has no understanding of how and why presidential powers are limited terrifies me. One who has never learned about the reason for the equal balance of powers or the Constitution terrifies me. Wisdom would serve him well, but there is none there. (Why canI not even bring myself to write his name?

Hope is a good thing too, but what can we hope at this point?  Imposing tariffs on imports will not lower grocery bills. Spending billions to deport “illegal” workers to Venezuela will leave farmers and factories without affordable labor.  

This old woman (who is in “his” age group ) believes an optimistic frame of mind is a powerful thing. I can’t seem to get there. I’ll wait for today’s words of wisdom from my tribal elder.


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