Daddies and Guns

Today is Father’s Day.

At St.P.’s, our rector chooses not to mention the parental (Read: Hallmark) holidays in church.  She understands that many no longer have parents or never had loving ones or can’t be with loving ones or are too young to be in church and are in Sunday school making them greeting cards and crafty things.  These holidays are just just fraught with mixed feelings.  I appreciate that.  I think if we had sung “Faith of our Fathers” I would surely have shed a few tears.

Instead, today’s service began with the following:


Nearly everyone shed a few tears.  And no one has the answers to hatred and rage that turns into mass murders.

My daddy taught me to shoot a 22 rifle when I was a little girl.  He set up a Post Toasties box at a distance and told me to aim for the center of the “O’s.”  In that time and place, it was a natural thing to do.

And my daddy was shot with a gun once, by an enemy of war in the Philippines.  I saw the scar whenever he wore a short-sleeved shirt.  His life was “forever marked by the scourge of gun violence,” and not with just a physical scar.

I remember you today, Daddy.  I remember how brave and strong and wise I always thought you were when I was a little girl. When you were around, I was never afraid of anything. And I weep for a world where there is so much to be afraid of.


Jefferson to the Buena Vista Ferry

Our paddle today involved a put-in near a cherry orchard. Both red and black.




Fishing around here is a bit complicated.  Better to just paddle.


A ride on the ferry, coming and going.


Three hours on the Santiam.  Then the Willamette.  Just past the confluence are these beautiful cliffs.


Then 45 minutes to paddle on down to the ferry.

You can be pretty depleted after a long day of paddling.  Luckily, the ferry captain keeps a supply of Magnum Bars on board to help you get your strength back. He only stocks the caramel ones.  Oh, Darn!  🙂



Double Standards

Cute, blond, drunk college athletes seem to get a pass; whereas, their drunk victims are crucified as sluts.

I sent the following to my local paper this week and it was published as a letter to the editor today.

Usually on this site, I talk about puppies and roses.  Sometimes not.

“Do you remember in the long-ago past hearing one disrespectful man ask another whether he “got any action last night”?

This is the word the father of “the Stanford Rapist” used when defending his son, essentially asking if that son should be punished for “20 minutes of action.” He is not asserting that his son did not do it, just that it was a quickie.

If the amount of time a crime takes is a significant criterion, I guess a mass murder with an Uzi that took 20 seconds would be a misdemeanor.”

Summer do

Roxie just got her summer haircut.

Before:  at The Minto early this morning


After, with her new BFF Heather:


Back home


Ready for a nap.  “Now will you please get this ridiculous pink bow off my ear?”
