Feed the Birds, Part Deux

In this climate, you have to be diligent to keep mold from growing in your bird feeders.

There has been a lot going on around here lately, so I had neglected this task.

Several varieties of mold had taken hold. Even our resident family botanist could not identify this hairy variety:IMG_2890


A little bleach and a good scrubbing with some steel wool and we were soon back in business.



The X-rated Dominatrix

This is how I lovingly refer to the vintage Chevy Tahoe that spends a lot of her time in storage in my Back Forty, waiting patiently for her girl to return from paradise and drive her to the snowy mountains every winter.  I refer to her this way because her Oregon license plates read XDM442.  IMG_2870IMG_2876

Usually, after almost a year of neglect, she starts right up.  This morning, not so much.  This is the way she looked under the hood:

IMG_2869That’s a little corrosion going on there.

Actually, the battery worked fine, but there seemed to be a problem getting her out into the alley.  Ended up taking three different AAA tow trucks and a team of really friendly and helpful  drivers and neighbors to make it work without taking down the fence.



Now we are waiting to hear when she will be road ready.  She should be back on her feet in a day or two.  If she doesn’t make it, it will be like losing a beloved member of the family!


New York, New York, what a wonderful town!

Faithful readers of this site, I believe there are two of you, may recall that I recently got a New York shopping bag at my neighborhood Trader Joe’s:

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Not until this morning did I happen to look at the bag’s bottom:


I am so sad that I cannot go back to NYC this year with my dear friend Jim for his annual pilgrimage.  Certain other obligations take precedence, I am sorry to report.  I think I will have a good bagel with a shmear this morning though.

Nice Outfit

Somebody posted this:


It’s really a wonderful outfit, but how can you do anything in it?

Bright colors generally show up on my feet, and, rather than impede my activities, they specifically facilitate them, rain or shine.

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