
I think I may have just gathered the last handful of raspberries and strawberries out back until next summer.  Frozen berries on my morning yogurt are just not the same thing at all.

“No measurable precip”

For over 80 days, that was the case, and it set some sort of record.  But yesterday, I got out my daddy’s rain gauge, which I inherited, installed it in my winter lettuce pot and measured some.  I think the rain gauge catches a lot more precip here than it ever did in Reeves County.

And today, before Blue and I set out for our weekly quality time at the Saturday Market, we dug out our rain gear.  Blue looks particularly spiffy in his.

Sharing the Bounty

On Sunday I harvested the Swedish fingerling potatoes and set them out front for the neighbors to take — which they did.  Only one little one left.  Is it bad manners to take the last one?  Guess I’ll have it for my dinner tonight.